Personal Coaching Blog: Thoughts & Rambles

Sharing some of the thoughts that bop around my head. Topics may include small business lessons, humanity in business, how to find ease in your business, or any other thing that may come to mind 😊.

Kim Cota Kim Cota

3 Ways to Make Progress to Reach Your Goals

Time can fly by in a blur. It feels so hectic, and I’m never really sure if I’ve got the things done that I planned.

But when I sit down to reflect, I find that even though it felt hectic and unclear, I still made progress on my goals.

There is inevitably a “Wait, What?” moment. How did that happen? Here I was feeling uncertain about my progress, and now I find that I’m right on track.

The thing is– the structure that I have in place is there to ensure that I get to that next best step and also to care for myself as a human. Which means, if I just keep picking away at the next step, eventually it all comes together.

Image Source: Instagram @lizandmollie

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