Index Card A Day

Last year, I undertook a challenge to create art on an index card every day for 60 days, based on a daily prompt. This is a sampling of some of my favourites from this practice.

I loved the freedom to explore mediums and to just play. It wasn’t serious or deep, it was a low stakes form of creation that I took on every morning. This practice really helped me put down the idea that my art had to be “good” or “important”. It was a practice in creating for the sake of creation.

Newspaper & acrylic. Prompt word: Fold

Found paper & acrylic. Prompt word: Ellipse (which I misread as Ellipsis)

Acrylic & gel pen. Prompt word: Lost & Found

Found papers. Prompt word: Potpourri

My local newspaper & coffee. Prompt word: Coffee

Acrylic & found paper. Prompt word: Beach


A Walk with Death


Frida's Courtyard